Stolze Väter unserer Nachzucht / proud sires of our offspring:
Worldchampion Al Lahab
Worldchampion Al Lahab
MAT Mashallan - head-sire of MATara-Arabians
Multichampion GR Amaretto
Multichampion GR Amaretto
Ihre Nachkommen im Gestüt / their offspring at stud:
Al Lahab (Worldchampion) daughter
MAT Maxima (Multichampionesse)
out of GR Amaretto (Multichampion) daughter
MAT Amy Bint Sharie (Multichampionesse)
Black Al Lahab (Worldchampion) daughter
MAT Josefina Bint Matara
out of Faa Matara our beautiful black foundationmare
and Moniet El Sharaf granddaughter
MAT Mashallan (Madallan Madheen son) daughter
MAT Saniyah out of Ebony Sharie
sold to Kuwait
Al Lahab (Worldchampion) son MAT Mutahham
out of our gorgeous Faa Matara our black foundationmare
GR Amaretto (Multichampion) daughter
MAT Amy Bint Sharie
and Multichampionesse out of the exotic Ebony Sharie
MAT Mashallan daughter MAT Ma Ajmala
out of black Al Lahab daughter MAT Josefina Bint Matara
MAT Mashallan daughter MAT Mawiyah
out of Multichampionesse and Al Lahab daughter MAT Maxima
MAT Mashallan black son MAT Marajj
out of the black Al Lahab daughter MAT Josefina Bint Matara
Einige Bilder / some photos:
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